Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Matthew

Early this month, we flew to Denver to celebrate Matthew's birthday. We planned it to coincide with Nathan and Natalie's visit as they were heading to Iowa for the summer. My dad and Annette also joined us so he could ordain Matthew a high priest. Debbie is a lovely hostess and we had a great time.
We celebrated Matthew’s birthday by spending the morning moving rocks. Who says that the Salt family doesn’t know how to have a fun time? The rock moving extravaganza was part of some landscaping efforts in their back yard.
Later we went to a movie and we played a lot of games together. As usual I lost EVERY game—but I loved every minute of playing together. Well, ALMOST every minute—losing Quiddler by nearly 200 points was not exactly my favorite part of the game playing. HAHA
Even though we enjoyed working together no one thought to take pictures of us covered with dirt. These pictures of us all cleaned up will have to do. :)


jhjonze said...

I'm glad you all got to be there at the same time and spend some time together!

mommaquincy said...

Your son is already a high priest? Does he live in Denver downtown or suburbs? My daughter is downtown. I'll be there next week!

Matt said...

We live out in Aurora.