Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can you hear me now?

Happy March!! If you wonder why I am whispering :) I have had a bout of laryngitis this week. It made teaching school a lot more interesting. I really need to be able to talk when my job is to tutor children for their math TAKS.. One day I put my hand on my chest as I tried to suck in enough air to speak loud enough to be heard. One of my little sweeties very seriously asked, "Mrs. Salt are you having a heart attack?" It made me laugh so hard that I started coughing and I still didn't get to say what I needed to. Can you imagine 6 little third graders trying to give me CPR if I was really having a heart attack? But I am doing much better.

The school I work at is so great at trying to build the confidence and encouragement of the children that they CAN pass the TAKS. They have been holding assemblies and all kinds of attivities to give them confidence. Friday they had the final assembly to wish them well. The little kids (K-2) made posters and lined the halls cheering for the older kids (3-5) as they marched into the gym. Then at the start of the assembly they said they had a surprise...the gym doors opened up and in marched the high school drum line!!! WOW! They were amazing and the kids were pumped--lets hope they pass those tests!!


Matt said...

When do they take the big test?

Let's hope that they do well, because this school should be rewarded for trying so hard to help these kids.

The Royal Buffington's said...

I laughed till I snorted imagining you getting CPR from 3rd graders.

MB said...

YAY! I like your blog! Keep em comin'!